故事简介 –阿炳心想事成
在某乡村的农历除夕夜,家家户户都忙着准备接财神。到了深夜,由其他种族扮成的财神爷 就到每家每户去给发财字,掏红包。由于阿炳的爸爸当时很穷,所以红包钱也特别的少。刚巧来了一个服装破旧的财神爷,阿炳的爸爸就把红包给了他。没想到这个就是真正的财神爷。阿炳的爸爸很亲切的祝福他身体健康,也劝他换过新的服装。财神爷觉得阿炳的爸爸是个好人,于是就给了三个愿望阿炳的爸爸。
在某乡村的农历除夕夜,家家户户都忙着准备接财神。到了深夜,由其他种族扮成的财神爷 就到每家每户去给发财字,掏红包。由于阿炳的爸爸当时很穷,所以红包钱也特别的少。刚巧来了一个服装破旧的财神爷,阿炳的爸爸就把红包给了他。没想到这个就是真正的财神爷。阿炳的爸爸很亲切的祝福他身体健康,也劝他换过新的服装。财神爷觉得阿炳的爸爸是个好人,于是就给了三个愿望阿炳的爸爸。
阿炳和Rain,Bobby,还有神秘人,想办法去找钱,结果他们决定去参加才艺比赛赢奖金来医咸鱼莲。最后他们到底会不会赢? 谁是哪个神秘人,他为什么又会出现呢??
It’s the eve of The Lunar New Year in a village. Every household is busy preparing to receive the auspicious God Of Fortune (GOF). Comes midnight, people of various races impersonate the GOF. They walk up to each household to offer mandarin oranges and lucky numbers in return for an “Ang Pau”. Ah Beng’s father being poor, dishes out only coins to these GOF. The worst dressed scruffy GOF who receives a tiny token from Ah Beng’s father, is in fact, the true and almighty GOF. Without realizing, Ah Beng’s father comments that he should be better dressed and wishes him good luck and good health, very sincerely. The true GOF is surprised but touched by Ah Beng’s father’s sincerity and grants him 3 wishes.
It’s the eve of The Lunar New Year in a village. Every household is busy preparing to receive the auspicious God Of Fortune (GOF). Comes midnight, people of various races impersonate the GOF. They walk up to each household to offer mandarin oranges and lucky numbers in return for an “Ang Pau”. Ah Beng’s father being poor, dishes out only coins to these GOF. The worst dressed scruffy GOF who receives a tiny token from Ah Beng’s father, is in fact, the true and almighty GOF. Without realizing, Ah Beng’s father comments that he should be better dressed and wishes him good luck and good health, very sincerely. The true GOF is surprised but touched by Ah Beng’s father’s sincerity and grants him 3 wishes.
Not-so-bright security guard Ah Beng works at an open car-park, is being bullied by a group of rich brats with luxury cars, over their parking fee. A mysterious guy comes in and helps Ah Beng. Grateful for his help, Ah Beng invites him into his life and things starts to change around him.
One day at work, Bobby is injured while filming and with the help of Ah Beng, Rain and the mysterious guy, Bobby is brought to the hospital where they see both Ah Lian and Salted Fish Lian. Salted Fish Lian was collecting her medicine from the pharmacy. Ah Beng and the gang secretly investigates Salted Fish Lian’s condition and is shocked to find out that Salted Fish Lian is very sick.
Back home, Ah Beng and the gang, are thinking of ways to save Salted Fish Lian. Bobby then spots a Talent Search contest in a newspaper with a massive grand prize of cash. Rain, Bobby and Ah Beng quickly form a singing trio to join the contest. Do they win? Who is the Mysterious Guy? Why is he there?
人物简介Character Introduction
林德荣 JACK LIM | 阿炳 性格冲动好胜、好勇逞强,但却勇于面对自己的错误。小时候因为曾在一次溺水意外被警卫叔叔救起后,从此以后对警卫这职业崇拜非常,常幻想自己长大后一定是个充满正义感的警卫。 Ah Beng Impulsive aggressive, always tries to be brave, but dare to confess his own mistakes. When he was still a child, he almost drowned but luckily was saved by his uncle who works as a security guard. He then respects security guard very much and wanted to be a good security guard. |
陈志康 ROYCE TAN | RAIN 阿炳好兄弟之一,阿RAIN有9个姐姐,但是家中唯一的男生,所以从小就常被九个姐姐们当作洋娃娃来玩弄,在长年累月的阴盛阳衰之下,阿RAIN的性格也变得有点娘娘腔,除了喜欢打扮之外,也钟情于手工艺术的嗜好。 Rain One of Ah Beng’s good friends. He is the only boy at home with nine sisters, Since young he has been treated like a play doll by his sisters, which is how he developed in to a sissy bit of character. He not only likes to dress up, but also good in handicrafts. |
邱文博 BERNARD HIEW | BOBBY 阿炳好兄弟之一,BOBBY性格随和,喜欢到处游玩,喜欢演戏,对于大自然及小镇生活充满好奇心,常因此被阿炳戏弄搞出不少笑话。 Bobby One of Ah Beng’s other good friend. He is easy going; loves acting and likes to play everywhere, very curious of nature and small town life, Ah Beng often made fun of him. |
曾洁钰 CHEN KEAT YOKE | 咸鱼莲 阿炳暗恋的对象,是镇长唯一的独生女。性格温柔敏慧,仿佛世上一切优点都集中在她身上。每天都到咸鱼档卖咸鱼 Salted Fish Lian Ah Beng has a great crush on her. She is the mayor’s only daughter and has a gentle personality. She sells salted fish in the market. |
颜薇恩 GAN MEI YAN | 阿莲 阿莲为菜贩的女儿,每天凌晨都必须先到菜档上帮忙,所以常常穿着卖菜妹的打扮。 阿莲与阿炳自小就水火不容,常常为了某些小事而大打出手,但胜利都总是阿莲。 Ah Lian Ah Lian is the daughter of a vegetable salesman. Every morning she helps out at the stall therefore she is always in her working outfit. Often quarrels with Ah Beng but she will always wins. |
Movie ticket as calender....creative...
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